We, the weee EUROPE team, will be happy to provide you with the best answers and solutions.

Did you know that it is not only the actual manufacturers of batteries that are regarded as “producers” for the purposes of international legislation? Whenever you sell a product that contains a battery or accumulator, you are always required by national legislation to collect and recycle these batteries in an environmentally sound manner.

Your obligations include:

  • Reviewing the scope of your product portfolio and any exemptions you may be able to claim
  • Registering with national registers / disclosure of registration numbers
  • Financing take-back and recycling
  • Appointing an Authorised Representative
  • Making Put on Market declarations
  • Various information obligations
  • Mandatory product labelling

What products are affected by the legislation?

A fundamental distinction is made between the following three categories of batteries:

  • Portable batteries
  • Industrial batteries
  • Automotive batteries

Correct classification according to the chemical composition, field of application and local regulations is necessary, as each category entails different requirements in respect of the collection, recycling and, in particular, the financing of these activities.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to have a word with us.